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View of the finished product; Well!!! Kinda of.....This model has curvier arches. We prefer this one but the city has already pre-approved the other, and we can’t change. Colors (ie colours) is different too.


Starting to form shape.


Skeleton view of our house under construction. 2nd front right.


WooHoo!! Windows are up. Dreads!!! Agent did not inform us to decide on the garden window for the kitchen. The one in the model really helps to open up the kitchen with more light around the sink area. May not be too late!!!

Scafolding’s up to enable the workers to wrap the house in black paper and chicken wire. Black paper feels kinda water-resistant, and the wire-mesh allows this stucco-thingy to cling to it, giving the exterior a concrete look. Definitely something I don’t see the aussies do. Maybe it’s an earthquake-resistant thing.


Last time I checked (7/2/2000 or 2/7/2000, depending on where you are), the whole house is all wrapped up. I expect to see a huge red bow around it when we move in.


Another view from farther down the street.


View of dining/living from the front door. Gyprock sheets are piled up in the center (centre) of the room, and pink batts are mostly up. Gotta check back to make sure these guys fill in all the holes with batts. Luckily I was able to bribe the security guard with a case of beer. We were informed that we were not allowed into the construction site.


Another living/dining shot; This time thru the wall of our master bedroom.


Quick view from the garage. Can’t see it from this pic but San Pablo bay can be seen to the right; San Pablo bay is an extension of San Francisco bay which is a few miles to the left.  I’ll grab a pic from upstairs next time. Regardless, view will be blocked by another house in the very near futire.

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